Wednesday, February 18, 2009

politik+respon awam-pembayar cukai / akhbar =TUMPUAN

nukilan 'wartawan' baru:

..sibuk semua org ingin (dan mahu) nampak terlibat dlm isu lokal di negara kita. di kedai kopi, bilik mesyuarat, dlmb blog, akhbar (dlm dan luar negara) dan senarai panjang..
org kita memang suka hilang fokus. Bak kata pemikir, S Covey, 'the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing'.

Dlm hal ehwal negara kita, apa yg utama? apa yg tidak utama?

Malaysia telah 'berjaya' mencuri tumpuan dunia dgn isu-isu domestik yg tidak berkesudahan.
Jentera kerajaan terus bekerja keras memastikan kepentingan awam tidak terabai.
Kerajaan negeri (yg lain dari kerajaan bahan cerita) bertegas tidak akan ada perubahan geo-politik, maka bolehlah para pelabur datang beramai-ramai utk melabur.
pilihanraya (bukit-bukit) [selepas pemilihan UMNO] juga akan menarik, meskipun kehangatan K Terengganu belum selesai..pasca election.

..sibuk, semua orang hilang tumpuan terhadap apa yg sepatutnya ditumpukan..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Asyik Terlupa & Alpa

I find it impactful and heart moving:


aku impikan diriku

yang sentiasa ghairah bertasbih

mengadu rindu kepadaNya

mengasihiNya sepenuh jiwa dan raga

mencintaiNya sekuat hati

aku impikan diriku

yang sentiasa mengalirkan air mata

akibat rindunya aku kepada penciptaku

akibat malunya aku kerana sering berbuat maksiat

akibat segannya aku kerana sering menipu kecintaan ku kepadaNya

aku impikan diriku

yang hatinya sentiasa bergetar

apabila nama Tuhanku disebut

jantungku berdegup kencang

bila disebut azabnya

tetapi tenang semula

bila bercerita kasih sayangNya yang Maha Luas

aku impikan diriku yang setiap detik mengingatiNya

akan nikmatnya yang tidak terhingga

kerana aku tiada apa-apa

Dialah yang Maha Pemberi

aku impikan diriku

yang sentiasa bertawakkal padaNya

Yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik buatku

Maha suci dari menzalimiku

Kerana Dia penciptaku

yang penuh dengan kecintaan

kepada makhlukNya

*dipetik dari penanda buku Diari Islam 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Car(s) For Auction:Perak

the current saga in Perak is interesting. Why?
it is because the power transition at federal level is getting very near indeed.
i cant help it but to say how sad i am seeing the about-to-leave head of the state on TV. he appeared very calm, confident and determined (despite the fact he was already asked to vacate the office and to hand over all state assest including the new Camry 2.4 i trust)
the learned Sultan had decreed and passed his judgemnet that the MB has to leave.the same goes to all the excos.
truly, this has never happened before (at least to my recollection); the MB had to 'derhaka' and went against the royal decree.
suddenly, i am reminded to the Sejarah Kesultanan Melayu where 'Sultan yg adil sultan dijunjung and the line goes..'
i am so eager to follow the saga, not at the state level actually, but the way the federal people behave during this crisis.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Can Use The Gadget Or Not?

an old posting actually.

Yes, it is about us being able to use the technology. At one time, being able to use computer used to be something to shout. Those were the days where we had to use a 'special' diskettee to enable the use of Word. DOS or something they called it. I remember I was so terrified whenever by accident I pressed the wrong button.. don't know how to undo.

Things really have changed.My daughter asked me to get a picture of something on the net, that was actually the advice given by her teacher or Muallimah (as the title goes at her school). There you are, few transactions and the gambar appeared already easy. Though, most of the time they chose to play games, like any other normal kids.

We even attempted or suggested for our kids to have their own blogs (not sure can register or not being minor).

So, my youngest (approaching one year old) has already been 'exposed' to the use of this machine. He is at the stage of pulling the wires here and there, you can image.

My hope: at the speed of a button, we can cross the world

Back To March 2008

another historic event of the .. month probably.. is what has happened today in Perak.
-morale of the ADUNs who hop party is now at issue!
-pity to the kind and nice personality of the MB
-Malaysia will be in the world map again insofar domestic politic is concerned
-the morale of the Istana Kinta (with the rising Raja Muda with PhD) headed by the former Chief Justice is somehow compromised
-pity to the former MB aka Ketua Perhubungan UMNO Negeri (will he be back to the list?)
- many others

last typed posting abt a week ago:
I draw to my personal attention on the very recent hoping of Perak ADUN to joining PKR; adding just one more seat for PKR in Perak state DUN.

Possibility 1: to prepare UMNO for the forthcoming election in March

Possibility 2: to divert people attention from the surrounding economic issue in the country