Saturday, January 28, 2012

Assalamualaikum wbt. Dipanjatkan kesyukuran kepada ALLAH swt dan Selawat serta Salam kpd junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad saw Rasul terulung penyudah zaman dan keluarga baginda yang mulia.
Rabiul Awal 1433 H satu bulan amat istimewa buat kita umat Islam. Bulan kelahiran insan teristimewa kekasih ALLAH.
Peristiwa demi kisah dan teladan dititipkan buat umatnya kita semua sbg panduan hidup yg syumul. Sehebat mentadbir negara hinggalah kaedah menyarung kasut semuanya diberi contoh oleh baginda Rasul yg mulia.
Berdoalah kita agar rahmah lilla'lamin akan dihayati. Jzk.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


salam sejahtera
blog ini telah lama tertinggal (dibaca: ditinggalkan). Semenjak adanya bukumuka yakni facebook, makanya interaksi maya adalahlebih efektif.
walaubagaimanapun, saya fikir sekali sekala elok juga ianya dilawati; mana tahu kalau ada yg ingin berkongsi ide atau maklumat.
saya baru sahaja mendaftar di laman (meskipun ianya agak slow) bagi berkongsi idea dengan tema-tema yg ditetapkan laman tersebut.
insyaAllah sedikit sebanyak sumbangan boleh memberi manfaat. amin.
3hb Ogos 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

the new year SAGA

1. As an observer and a true Muslim, i join my fellow brothers in condemning the move (organized move i trust) over the issue on the use of kalimah ALLAH azza wa jalla by the unpermitteds.
2. My sincere praise to the VIVA PALESTINA that was led by a British politician (ironically).
3. The continuous announcements on the 1Malaysia initiatives.
4. The sudden silence on a number of very important cases inter alia the lost military machine.
5. The happy families that live in places, enjoying the peaceful country of Malaysia
6. The hopes of people.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Saturday, October 24, 2009


i am pleased to have listened to the national budget which was tabled by the PM recently. i must say by the look of it, it attempts to cover almost all sectors and interests.
i am very excited to look into the outlines set for the Islamic finance and banking sector.
incentives mentioned could be good moves inorder to attract better FDIs. my recent visit to bimb shows that significant number of visitors of the bank are from the non-muslims customers. good. as the expectations rise, the quality of services should also escalate.however, as the budget shall be within the final year of Rancangan Malaysia ke-9, what i could gather is that not much money left. wait for further writings.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Salam Syawal

Salam keshukuran kpdNya jua atas keizinanNya utk terus menulis.
Salam silaturrahim juga kpd rakan taulan (yg ter masuk ke blog ini)
Salam sejahtera atas semangat 1Malaysia
Salam Syawal buat semua.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

absence makes heart grow fonder

I owe myself an explaination [of the long absence from this posting].
I share my observation with people; an almost a daily affairs.
I express my trust and confidence to others; every now and then [ as I believe sharing is power]
I am saddened with what is presently happening to our country; politically and economically [ high tolerance aka giving away what we thought we have]
I am happy with what I am doing right now; small time contributors of thoughts and ideas [ of course action speaks louder than words]
We are grateful to be where we are today.
Truly, being away makes things closer to you.